Sunday, July 22, 2012

Week Ten- Art Making/Material Exploration Blog: Mask Making

I think that African art provides great depictions of creativity and authentic influence when it comes to masks for ritual or celebrations.  This is the reason why I chose to use African masks as my foundation for creating my own work of art.  Also, it is reasonable to say that the masks are much different from other cultures in the world, which is another reason why I enjoy viewing them so much.

In regards to the analysis and description of the mask I created it provides an appearance that the mask has some significance in regards to important things in my life, school and learning awesome information about things that will certainly be retained.   Furthermore, the use of bright colors and particular shapes gives the viewing of the mask an energetic emotion and is able to bring the viewer to an idea that the mask is used for important purposes. 
Below are my sketches of the mask I created and the other masks I used for inspiration.

Below are the final version of the mask I completed.

The elements that were used in the final version of my mask are shapes and mass because of the three dimensional characteristics as well as complementary coloring and emotional effects of coloring, this occurs because each of the colors used is the category of primary and are able to build an impression from one another.  For this creation the principles that are incorporated into this project are emphasis because the image has a red hue in the front and capture the attention from the rest of the object (the mask).  Another principle that could be used are the scale and principle characteristics, mostly because the mask is able to generate thoughts about how big it is compared to its environment, as well as the person wearing it, which is me.
My thought about this project is an optimistic approach.  I thoroughly enjoyed be creative and attempting to express my thoughts through three dimensional forms.  I found it difficult because of all the responsibilities I juggle, however, during the creativity process and actual construction of the mask I noticed that I was enduring elated feelings.  Again, I think art is great, because the projects and readings I now understand why it is required as an elective for studying.  It allows a person to see how art has a major influence on all of society. 

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