Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week Eleven - Art Gallery Visit #2


The theme of Cheryl Jackson’s exhibit is centered on the idea that the United States is highly influenced and characterized by the food industry as well as television and the elements associated with it.  As for the set-up of this exhibition it requires a significant amount of space, electricity, and a particular arrangement of the materials.  Furthermore, the lighting required to view this installation is not very exquisite, meaning that ordinary forms of lighting can be used to view this work of art and still portray the piece in its entirety.  In addition to the external scenery the color of the walls in the gallery are not painted with specific hues, this occurs because the materials in the work of art convey a thought process from the objects already used, hence the reason why particular wall colors are not necessary.  Moreover, the materials used in this installation can be considered common objects in the daily lives of Americans.  The use of the television set, eating trays, chairs, food packages, and juvenile toys all expel the idea that there are two themes being presented.  Firstly, the incorporation of the everyday items displays the idea that there is a commonality amongst all Americans, which is the way in that family bonding has been influenced by the products of society.  Secondly, the installation posits the notion that Americans have become very lethargic and less active in the traditional communication process.  A statement like this suggests that people in the country are easily circumvented by entertainment and advertising, again, which brings a dumbing affect to the individuals that are participating in this form of behavior.  Lastly, the organization and proximity ( in comparison to the other works of art in the gallery) of this installation allows viewers to walk around the work of art, this gives different viewing points, and also this movement allows the viewer to focus on particular objects with various thinking processes being attained. 
Cheryl Jackson

Gio’s Summer Dress
                As for this work of art the theme is difficult to verify because of the simplicity it projects when viewed from a distance.  However, this thought process is changed when the viewer steps closer to the piece and realizes the detail that is incorporated into it.  Specifically, this work of art has general sculpture look but with an expressionism twist to it, also, it uses a unique material that sets it further apart from traditional sculptures.  For this exhibit there was no obscure organization involved, again, if a viewer was walking through the gallery this piece would stand out, however not because of any special lighting or amount of space it takes up.  The proximity of this work of art in comparison to others is somewhat different for numerous reasons.  One in particular is because the sculpture is three-dimensional and brightly colored.  Another reason is because it stands on a base while most of the other works of art are flat and hung on the wall. Lastly, this piece has abstract appeal to it as well as surreal, mostly because of the detail of the material and the unusual look of the piece. 
Lynda S. Juel
Gio's Summer Dress, 2012
Metal sculpture

World Peace

                This work of art has a theme about how human beings and their actions, mostly associated with war and other disheartening events.  Also, the piece includes the concept about how small and irrelevant humans are in the universe.  The artists uses a surreal composition for her work by making the objects in the work of art larger than they would normally appear, as well as look different too.  Additionally, the organization for the piece is quite extensive, it requires a lot of space, allows the viewer to walk around the work of art as well as through the center of it.  There is no specific lighting but this installation has does have a close proximity in regards to the other objects in the work of art.  Furthermore, the use of ceramic and wood is difficult to notice, each object has an insidious look of plastic or plaster, however this not the case.  Moreover, it is these characteristics that made World Peace unique from the majority of works of art in the gallery, again, mostly due to the fact that all the other works of art were flat.   Lastly, this work of art incorporates the use of surrealism and expressionism, also the theme of concept art can be attached to it.

Nancy Jurs
World Peace
Ceramic and wood

                I thought that this art gallery visit was amazing; since it was my first time in the gallery I was astonished by how new and organized it was in comparison to the other galleries I have visited.  In regards to stepping out of my realm as viewing the art from a different perspective I was able to gain a new insight about how works of art can be understood and appreciated.  By using all the elements for this project I gained a new respect and comprehension of how art can view by others, and not only my perspective.       

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