Saturday, July 7, 2012

Week Seven - Blog: Video Review

Upon watching the four films I have been able to comprehend numerous concepts about the architecture throughout history and how the design process is initiated.  Specifically, I will discuss key educational elements that I have been able to take away from each video. 

Prairie Style

In this video I was able to understand how an architect, specifically with Frank Lloyd Wright’s designs, are able to generate a phenomenon is designing and that by implementing the environmental elements into the design can create exquisite characteristics throughout the entire structure.  Moreover, I thought that horizontal and layering that Wright used was great, his recognition of how to utilize an environment and incorporate it into a designing process is profound and at the time monumental in the field of architecture. 

Architecture: The Science of Design

This film was my favorite of the four that I viewed, the reason is due to the explanation of materials used and how it has evolved in the modern technological era.  Particularly when the narrator and architects explained why nature has a major impact on designing and the materials used I gained an appreciation for the effort and planning that goes into making certain structures safe and impervious to damage from these elements of nature as well.   Moreover the “smart apartments” section was amazing, I do not think that many human beings are able to indulge in such a technologically induced living currently, but the fact that these designs are available is remarkable.  The amount of time and effort that goes into the wiring, set-up, and personal requests must take a very long time to properly administer. 

Classical Architecture

After watching this film I was able to appreciate and acknowledge the Greek and Roman civilizations further.  I always knew that these cultures have been a major influence on a lot of the things that are around currently, but the influence of architecture was a new found intelligence.  The use of columns and arches is quite prevalent in societies across the planet and is probably not even noticed or understood that these two civilizations are responsible for these design elements.   Furthermore, it amazing that the past cultures of the world are able to resurrect their presence with architectural components; this is what the thing I learned and found astonishing the most.  History and art can be correlated as most of the other societal elements in the world. 

Last Call for Planet Earth: Sustainable Development and Architecture

Similar ideas and characteristic of my personality are exemplified in this film.  The understanding that beauty and permanence can be incorporated together and still adhere to positive ecological issues is always a fine thing in my opinion.  Additionally, the most prominent educational lesson that I took away from this video was about the use of renewable materials and using the climate to help design a specific structure.  This outstanding cooperation between architects and the environment should be more common, possibly even regulated so that the present and future generations are able to live in an environment that is not assaulting them.  Even if humans are the main culprit in creating the destruction or demise of an environment it does not make it righteous.  By implementing materials and a design that are more environmental friendly always have positive results for everyone.  Great film, this was my second favorite!

Each video encompassed numerous sections from the chapters in the text and brought a further understanding of the how the study of art or inquiry of art can be transferable into other parts of life.  Meaning that I now have a more in depth comprehension and appreciation of how and why certain things in the community are considered to be art and how and why they are designed, it serves as an enhancement and maturity in a person (me).  One example that comes to my mind that is located in the Western New York Area is the Botanical Gardens.  Yes, I understand that it is a greenhouse, but, it still represents the usage of the ideas in regards to sustainable developments (eco-friendly and green architecture), and all other concepts in the films and chapters (all of them not only this one).  If decomposition is properly used all of the design processes discussed and elements or principles of art are exhibited in this structure, good stuff! 

As aforementioned my opinion of the films is that they were again outstanding.  Since I am a reading-type of person the films always help me bring the confusion or doubts I have about anything to an end.  There were parts of the book that I had to read over or stop and take a few minutes to digest, however, when I viewed the films I was able to grasp the concept and move forth with confidence.  The visual representation and actually being able to hear and see what an architect is thinking while in “design mode” solidified the thought that this is a combination of art and science, two great things!

The reason why I chose the “Last Call for Planet Earth” video is because it pertained to a lot of the things I think about on a daily basis, and not only in the realm of the art field.  Ecology and innovation is always on my mind, I think it may stem from the nerdy/hippy in me, however, I think these things are vital for maintaining a positive place to live in.  Who wants to worry about atrocious living conditions, or not having any creativity to help enhance the personal and general livelihood of human beings?  Once more, the films were great, especially the “Science of Design” video! 

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