Saturday, July 21, 2012

Week Ten - Blog: Video Review

               For this video review I chose the African Art and Buddhism films due to the fact that they incorporate my favorite forms of living.  Each way of life expounds the fundamental reasoning for human existence and how every other element in the world in unnecessary and irrelevant.   

African Art

                During this film I was able to appreciate the necessities of life and how they can influence artistic creativity.  Moreover, it allowed me to understand that indigenous or art created in cultures without modern materials can be equivalent to the talent and intelligence that it takes to make other forms of art.  Additionally, I gained a new respect for the difference of livelihoods and how they each influence the artistic works in their specific culture. 


                Buddhism is my favorite way of life because it appreciates the basic understanding of how suffering does not have to occur and how each person can reach this prosperous living.  The works of art that arose from the people in this culture expel how they thought and lived, their understanding of how life can a pleasant experience if certain gals are achieved.  Furthermore, their respect for their environment also demonstrates how and why their sculptures, architecture, paintings, and other forms of art are created.  Basically, they used their philosophy as a foundation for the initiation of creativity, which happened all over the world but the Buddhists seemed to actually live this way.

                I thought that the films related to the chapter quite well because of the topics discussed, particularly with how works of art were influenced.  The films were able to give an in depth understanding as to why the Buddhists lived the life that they did and why their artwork reflected this choice.  Overall, I thought these films have been the best thus far for numerous reasons.  One in particular is because I am an atheist and find religion and the culture surrounding it to be fascinating, mostly because the majority of the world is religious is some way.  Another reason why I enjoyed these two films has already been mentioned, with each of these cultures simplifying life and attempting to achieve the fundamental requirements for prosperous living is highly respectable in my opinion.  Great videos, I would like to view more films that incorporate how works of art are influenced by the culture that they derive from, outstanding.      

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