Saturday, July 28, 2012

Week Eleven - Blog: Video Review

Cubism and Expressionism have now been added to my favorite forms of art, the reason is because of the content and form that is usually involved in these works of art.  Specifically with cubism I enjoy the fragmentation and use of geometric and naturalistic lines that give the images or subjects matter their shape.  Any form of art that incorporates the attainment of particular emotions and thoughts is great in my opinion.  Expressionism art’s use of subjective style gives it a unique twist in comparison to other forms of art, which in turn allows me to appreciate it more than other forms of art.  Mostly, I enjoyed watching these films because they conveyed how these forms of art are interpreted by the viewer and creator; also, they gave me a new found intelligence about how and why some of the specific works of art achieved their purpose.

For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

The key concepts I learned from The Impact of Cubism are:

·         Cubism uses shapes more than entire images

·         They can be both geometric shapes and natural shapes

·         Can be used in other works of art besides painting

·         Allow viewers to notice particular segments of the work of art

The key concepts I learned from the Expressionism film are:

·         It incorporates vivid imagination

·         Is not realistic at times

·         Allows the artist to utilize their creativity without conforming to other forms of content

·         Can look similar to abstract art

I thought that the videos related to the readings in the text quite well.  Moreover, they allowed me to gain more insight about each category of art and the artist that utilize this form of art.  Lastly, I thought that the videos were great; they discussed many things that were not mentioned in the text.  This in turn gave me a better understanding about the forms of art. 

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