Saturday, July 21, 2012

Week Nine - Blog: Video Reviews

Since I enjoy many forms of art I found it difficult to pick only two films, however because I also enjoy compromising decided to view only two films, they were: The Drawings of Michelangelo and The Power of Art: Carravaggio.  The reason why I chose the two films is related to the readings from the chapter and the interest that generated because of them.

The Drawing of Michelangelo

A lot of information was able to be retained by watching this film in regards to the intelligence and talent Michelangelo had.  Specifically, I was amazed that he was so talented with only one or two materials.  When I viewed at his drawings I was amazed that this were done prior to any modern technological developments and are still interesting to look at after the many years that have passed.  Moreover, I the lesson that I was able to learn that had the most prominence was how Michelangelo used his artwork as way to deliver messages or communicate his thoughts without any verbalization, extremely fascinating.

The Power of Art: Carravaggio

This film was amazing, the works of art that were done by Carravaggio are very realistic and convey the sense that it must take an extreme amount of talent and energy to do the type of work he has done.  Also, I was able to comprehend how some of his works of art implemented religious characteristics into them.  This speaks volumes because of the era of history in which he lived, it also construes the thought that this structure of living was common and influenced his creativity,

Each video related to text in a suitable fashion, however with these specific chapters I was able to gain a better understanding of the era’s and types of art that was created from the films.  They gave me an ideal perspective on the specific lives of each artist and the period of history in which they lived.  During the films I constantly kept thinking about what it must have been like to live during this period of history as well to walk amongst the artists that were popular then, and even currently.  Lastly, I thought the films were awesome; I really enjoy learning about things that are not in my curriculum because they always astonish me.  Also, the films were able to give me a better appreciation for history in a more specific sense rather than the general theme we were all taught as juveniles.   

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