Saturday, June 9, 2012

Color Theory and Emotional Effects

     The numerous elements of color are able to provide an array of emotions, at times the use color can bring a broad range of emotions that immediately occur one after another, or even simultaneously.  The hue alone can have impressions on people and bring specific emotions, for most people a particular hue can bring emotions that stem from how they think about a particular color, and how they have been socially associated with the hue.  For example, someone may view a dark hue as something depressing, while others may see it as something more bold, or serious, and possibly even the opposite of depressing, happy feelings.  Also, the purity or strength of a color (also referred to as dullness and brightness) can impose feelings in a person.  Purer colors can bring a stronger sense of attention and make a person become energized, while dull (lighter hue or strength) hues may have the opposite effect, bringing feelings of calmness and tranquility. Even the value of a hue can have dramatic effects on a person's emotions, by adding black or white hues the overall color(hue) can promulgate one's feelings, again depending on how the person associates the specific hue with themselves and socially.  Within the realm of schemes emotions can be influenced by altering the hue of one color, mixing one hue with a closely related color, bringing two colors of the opposite color wheel together, implementing three hues, and even using four different colors.  The emotions generated from this can be "all over the place."  Again, with the use of a monochromatic scheme the feeling can be generated by how the person views the hue personally, and how they attach the color socially.  In regards to blending (the rest of the schemes) it has an interesting perspective.  A person's emotions can be effected with opposite feelings of the spectrum, happy and sad for example.  Moreover, the hues can appeal to them personally and then effect their emotions, for example, how a specific color is identified and associated with an individual provides their feelings when they view that hue or hues.  Once more, I think that color can bring emotions, however, the emotional response is triggered by how the person attaches them self to the hue, their memory has much to do with it, as well as how and what they learned to associate specific colors with.  Basically, the emotions generated by colors comes from personal and societal perspectives that have been engraved in a person's mind.
    Most of the theoretical aspects of color are fascinating, however, one is particular has to do with the use of brighter hues and how people are influenced by them.  Bright and intense colors seems to have an uplifting effect on people, they somehow make the individual more aware of their surroundings, become energized, and even bring joyous and elated feelings.
    From watching the Color film I learned how colors can have much influence on people's emotions.  Certain uses of bold colors  to express strong feelings is an interesting aspect, it allows the artist to convey how he or she is viewing something, and how their feelings are during the creation.  By viewing the the Feelings film it allowed to see how color can be used to invoke pride and to see the challenges faced with being thoughtful.  With this being said it is obviously assumed that feelings of evil, or bad decisions or choices are easier when compared to the opposite.  This represents how living and thinking in a certain way requires sacrifice and discipline.  Overall, the way in which art and the colors used in art has a major effect on human emotions.  I think the artists are quite aware of this phenomenon, however, the viewers of the art seem to have a passive frame of mind, and do not notice how hue effects their thoughts and feelings about many things.  Fascinating and astonishing at the same time, again, outstanding videos!

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