Saturday, June 23, 2012

Art Making/Material Exploration Number Two: Logo Design

   What entered my mind about the logo creation was first confusion and doubt about my ideas.  I had no idea on how to interpret myself into a symbol or log.  However, after numerous sketches that stemmed from my thoughts (thoughts about my characteristics and day-to-day living) I was able to conjure up some images that could be implemented into the "Ben" logo.  Again, I did not think I was going to complete an ideal logo of my fruition's, but somehow, someway, I was successful!  Great stuff! 
   The process that I endured was rather unique in my opinion; First I jotted down ideas and thoughts in a web-like fashion.  Furthermore, I started sketching the geometric shape I wanted to use and settled on a triangle.  I thought that this shape gave the logo an image that represent the three things I enjoy most; school, writing, and philosophical thinking.  Hence, the reason for the triangle.  Additionally, I incorporated images that I thought represented myself into the logo, at first they were all over the place, but, eventually I was able to dignify which images were more accurate.  After taking this final images I made a sketch that allowed me to see the direction I wanted to take these objects to.  I made one and was unsatisfied, therefore, I created a new logo that represented my characteristics.  Each image defines who I am, specifically, the foot stepping on the criminal justice book represents my cynical perspective about the system.  Furthermore, the scroll represent the significance that education has in my life, while the Tops logo represents the current occupation I have and how I support my studies (yes, I pay for it out of my own pocket).  Also, the muscular arm that is holding a pen depicts my thoughts about how much I enjoy writing and how much of an asset I think it is in my life.  The skull with the brain that is projecting the yellow-mohawk looking thing is my quest for knowledge, I thoroughly enjoy learning, without any bias attached.  The black and white people in the corner are obvious I think, I sincerely despise racism and this image captures my thought about how two people can live in harmony regardless of their skin complexion.  Since I utilize public transportation and still somehow fulfill the requirements of work, school, internship, and whatever else I thought that this was a vital characteristic that should be presented, hence the reason why the bus is there.  Lastly, the eyeball in top of the logo represents how I am always observing things and attempting to soak in all the relevant information that will help me enhance my well-being. 
   After completing my logo the most important thing I learned was how much an image can symbolize as well as how they have significance in almost every element of society.  I find it to be amazing how I have not noticed the amount of art in the world that I passively walk by.  Even when I see an advertisement or other symbol I forgot about the creative process that went in to making the characteristics of whatever the logo is suggesting.  It is astonishing to think about how images create thoughts and tune themselves into what is intended to be thought of.  Again, great stuff!  Lastly, with this thought being generated it allows me to discuss what I thought to be the most important thing I learned from the material in this module.  The fact that a simple image can conjure up so many thoughts and feelings and even dictate what to think or feel from viewing the logo is an extremely fascinating process.  The amount of effort that goes into something like this is not even considered when a person is partaking in the viewing of a logo or symbol, outstanding!  The videos were great and allowed to gain a new found intelligence about the world and the things within it.  Prior to this I did not think of these things, again, I had a passive thought process that only "breezed" by these images and not notice the effort, detail, creativity, and relationship involved with them.  Once again, I am truly happy to have watched these films, amazing!  Here are my skecthes that led up to my final logo, let me know what you think.

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