Saturday, May 26, 2012

Answering the three questions

Well, the process of creating the Gmail account was very easy, as well as the Blogger account because they are interrelated.  After I created the new email account and went to my Gmail user name and password were easily identified.  I am still wary that something may go wrong when it comes to me accessing and creating blogs, but I think I am computer savvy and should be able to figure it out.  Hopefully the "copy and paste" runs smoothly, also, I think I may be nervous due to the fact that this is my first online course.  I will suck it up.

What I expect to learn from this course has already been stated in the "All About You" section, mostly I wish to develop my artistic/creative side with the structure from a professional.  Additionally, I enjoy painting abstract art and see this course as an opportunity to enhance this hobby.  Furthermore, I believe that this course will allow me to expand my knowledge in regards to a general cultural fashion that will absolutely be beneficial. 

Again, I feel wary about taking an online course, but, I think that it is mostly because it is new (my first time).  I prefer on-campus courses because learning from professionals in a classroom setting is great in my opinion.  However, learning via the Internet has its perks; convenience and more independent, which is highly respectable in my opinion.  One last thing, I think that online courses create more responsibility in students because the teacher is moslty available virtually.  It allows students to figure some things out on their own.  I am not implying that asking for help is bad, quite frequently I do engage in this as well, hell, we are all learning...students is what the proper noun for all of us would be called. 


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