Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Elements and Principles of Art Slide Show Blog

   The elements and principles of art are the foundation of which art is defined.  It allows us to use specific terms (adjectives and verbs) to describe what it is that we are viewing.  Without it the description and conception of creativity may not have a plausible language, still, there would be words that are able to exemplify what we are viewing.  In this slide show I incorporated all of the elements and principles in photographs that I captured so that an example of what they are could be seen.  Each element and principle helps give the purpose of what the art is, in this case the photographs that were taken do this.  Additionally, the works of art may even have numerous elements and principles in them , this is determined mostly by the viewer, however, the artist can deliberately portray this in of their works of art.  Overall, the elements and principles allow people to define what they aer perceiving, it gives them the opportunity to be creative themselves as well as enhance their thinking process in regards to works of art.  I have included my slide show as a link so that it may be used as an example.


  1. I really thought your photographs represented their elements/principles of design very well. Most of them could have worked for two elements/principles or more. I noticed that your photo for ‘line’ of the brick wall also can represent texture and shape. Also, your photo for ‘proportion’ of your cat Poofies (lol) displays a good example of emphasis since she is a focal point at the end of the hallway and sticks out a little because of her dark color.

  2. I liked your photos. I particularly like that it felt like you went around your house and took the pictures, which is what I had done. The picture of the fan is a great angle and really shows the texture of the fan and I liked the way you took the photo.
