Saturday, June 16, 2012

Art Project Two

   Well, the scale was as easy as reading for me, I thought that the charcoal was a bad choice because it was difficult to bring the scale to a lighter hue.  However, I feel I prevailed and graciously moved on to creating the color wheel.  The color wheel was interesting, after about ten consecutive attempts at it I finally reached the completed version.  I had one thought after finishing this, "How the f@*k did that happen?"  Cyan, magenta, and yellow?...Really?  I had no clue about the true color scale, and am still amazed that I was able to create this.
   The media's were fascinating as well, I enjoyed the acrylic paint, thoroughly!  I think it has to do with the fact that I have some more knowledge about hues, and that I have some new kick ass materials to paint my next work of art.  Additionally, it gave me an idea about using the three colors to make an entire piece,  and blending only the three colors.
   After completing this creation the most important discovery I attained was the fact that how colors stem from only a few basic forms.  I knew this somewhat, but, the possibilities are endless and now I feel I am able to make new art without purchasing a lot of materials, specifically with paint.  Great thing to know!
   As for watching the videos the most important thing I learned was how the true color scale is magenta, yellow, and cyan (light blue or whatever it is called).  Moreover, the best part was watching the fast forwarded version on the making of the color wheel, I know that it was intended to be this way, but it also made me think about how fast art and various hues can be created in such a short time period.  My opinion about the videos is that they were awesome!  The showed me things that I never would have conceived or been able to comprehend without the visual aid.  Again, the videos were an outstanding learning experience for me, I thought they were awesome!
   Below, I have attached my scale and color wheel, check them out and let me know what you think!


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