Friday, June 29, 2012

Reviewing Peer Responses to Artwork


     Ah ha! Upon viewing my fellow students blog's I had the amazing opportunity not only to view their minds and curiosity at work, but, I also gained an enormous amount of inspiration for my next art project!
Devon's Blog

      Particularly, while looking at Devon's blog I noticed how she was able to generate the idea of color in one of her photographs.  The picture literally made me think of how the objects in the photograph were able to "pop" so well, as well other how my other senses would have reacted if I was actually at the location where she captured the photograph.  Additionally, this photograph that I mentioned could also be interpreted as other principles/elements of art; such as unity, and focul point. Furthermore, Devon 's trip to the art gallery ended up with viewing the same paintings and works of art as I did.  We did have one painting that we both presented, an abstract-like painting by Robert Delauney.  However, our reasoning for selecting this painting was different I think that our mental state may have been similar, meaning that our thoughts or feelings may have been the same.  It may have not been for the same duration, still, at some point I think that there was mutual process of thoughts and feelings.  Moreover, a painting Devon presented that piqued my interest was Mark Rothko's "Orange and Yellow."  The reason why this occured is due to his use of bright colors and how they made me think and feel, mostly elated and energetic. Lastly (for Devon's blog), the things that intrigued me about this painting brought on questions about the artist and work of art too, I was curious to know why the artist did this painting, specifically where his cretive thought came from and what was going on in his life during the creation of this painting.  Again, great stuff!  Below are here links.

Maggie's Blog

      Maggie's use of the Photobucket website was truly amazing! Her template alone intrigued me to wander through her blogspot page, which in turn allowed me to gain an idea of how she thought and how art influenced her thoughts in an extremely positive way.  Specifically, with her photograph of a log with moss covering a portion of it exhibited the concept of texture very well.  By looking at the photograph my thoughts quickly were tuned to the wondering of what the object must feel like, I literally wanted to go outside and find a similar log.  Also. this image can be correlated to other elements and principles, such as variety, focul point, unity, and emphasis, well in my opinion.  With viewing her second project I was able to gain a profound intelligence about more art located in Long Island, which was a refreshing instance.  The painting by Joanne Dumas titled "Softly" caught my attention because the abstract-like elements of it.  Since this is my favorite form of art I thoroughly enjoyed viewing this artwork, another reason is due to the fact that is new to me, being in the Buffalo area I found that most of the students had photographs of the same paintings or works of art that I chose.  Moreover, this work of art brought my thoughts to wondering again, as aformentioned the questions were; where did the artist come up with the concept?, and what was going on in her life during the creation of this work of art?  Below are her links.

     With this project I was able to gain a lot of practical insight that I think will help me in the future.  Additionally, by participating in this activity I was able to learn about each of my fellow students in a new light.  By doing this I also gained inspiration and motivation for the upcoming project, I think that a an element similar to this project should be incorporated into every blog project.  Specifically, with the comments that were posted to my blog they allowed me to notice how others view my works of art and how percpetions and interpretations can be different or similar.  I think this is a wonderful thing, most likely to my liberal minded thinking!  Great Project! 

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