Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Week Fifteen - Video Review Blog

The two films that I chose had a great influence on my interpretation of art and general understanding about the creation of works of art during specific periods of human history.  Moreover, there were key concepts retained from both of these films that have provided me with a greater appreciation for the fine art as well as a more in depth comprehension of world history. 

Greenberg on Art Criticism: An Interview by T. J. Clark

With this film I was able to retain the difficulties associated with critiquing works of art as well as how particular stints of history have heavily influenced the works of art that were made during these periods.  Particularly with the writing about works of art I found that it is more difficult than expected, meaning that it is not a simple process and incorporates a unique vocabulary in order to explain the thoughts and emotions that stem from the works of art.  Furthermore, the process of selecting pieces that stand out from the majority of others is quite extensive.  In this film the process was discussed and allowed to notice the required education and other knowledge so that this form of opinion can be verified. 

An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance (Giorgio Vasari)

As for this film I was able to grasp the important influence that Italian artists had on the Renaissance in its entirety.  Also, by learning about the specific artists’ that became fundamental in the arts then and even currently provided an accurate depiction of the significance that art has in the world.  Many artists during the Italian Renaissance were seen as much more than creative or artsy people, many of them had connections with public or religious administrators and were even sought out for advice.  Moreover, I learned about the various forms of artwork and how they evolved from past renditions, and how they perpetuated the cycle by helping future artists in their works of art. 

Lastly, I thought that the films complimented the reading quite well because they brought an in depth understanding to specific material in the text and modules.  Also, the films provided a visual and sophisticated discussion from professionals that know more about the subject than most people.  This knowledge was outstanding and brought elated feelings.  I thoroughly enjoyed watching these films due the facts and lessons that is attached to them.  Without the viewing of these films I would not have had a clearer thought process about the significance that art has in the world.  Again, the films were great and quite informative, which are my type of motion pictures!

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