Friday, August 10, 2012

The Last AED 200 Blog

           From reading my first blog and looking through the lessons I have concluded that they were met, in fact the amount of knowledge that was attained exceeded my standards, which is a great thing.  As for the question of “What is art” I still have a similar perception, however rather than only thinking that art can be whatever a person deems as art I know understand the concepts, processes for making art, as well as the various forms of art and the significance that they have in society.  Additionally, my favorite artist still is Dr. Jack Kevorkian, but I now have a plethora of favorite artists.  One in particular is Donatello, this choice occurred due to his brilliant sculpting’s and philosophical presence in every work of art that he created, truly astonishing.  Another is Leonardo da Vinci because of his intelligence and ability to take his ideas and make them come to light, personally I think that no other artist or other person has done the amount of work that he has and been so influential in society.  The difference between my favorite artists currently and at the beginning of this course is with the significance and impact that works of art specifically had, Dr. Kevorkian had a huge impact on society with his medical philosophy, but not his art.  This is completely different when compared to Donatello and Leonardo da Vinci.  Moreover, the reason why I still enjoy Dr. Kevorkian’s works of art is because of my “freedom of choice” thinking and the ways in which his actions are an example of my thoughts.  Lastly, after completing this course and several others via the internet I am now more confident about these types of courses.  Because of this course and the others I have registered for one online course in the following semester, thanks Ms. Tabone, I learned a lot and thoroughly enjoyed taking this course!  

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