Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Project #5 Art Criticism Article

The exhibition that I chose to critique was Maggie Hartig’s The Balance of Life:  The Elements of Life, the reason why I chose to critique this exhibition rather than any others that I viewed is because I also have a passion for nature and enjoying seeing the natural phenomena’ that is associated with it.  Moreover, I had very few challenges because in regards to the critiquing because the exhibition was put together very well.  However, this may be due to my standards that include not being a cynical rectal cavity when it comes to my commenting on my fellow students assignments, I tend to understand that all student are in the process of learning and that there no such thing as a perfect student.  Additionally, I would be very interested in reading the reviews on my exhibition, how can a person not be interested?  Lastly, this project was great; I think that more student reviews should be included in every course so that a better understanding of one’s work is gained, as well as attaining a necessary formal relationship.  On a scale of one-to-ten I would rate my article in the middle, a five to be precise.  The reason why is because I thoroughly enjoying writing articles ( I have my own blog about the fallacies in the criminal justice system), however, this area is not my expertise and I found it somewhat difficult to properly critique an article because of my lack of experience.  Nevertheless, the project and course was a great experience and I do think that I will be able to use the acquired knowledge during and after my career search.    

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